Freefall - Translations - archive
Translations of the webcomic Freefall, created by Mark Stanley. Follow the adventure of Sam Starfall, Helix and Florence Ambrose.(Note: The strips ale only in Czech).
Translations are posted with the author's permission.
Updates monday, wednesday and friday, two weeks behind the original.
Part 2601
26.I.2015 08:00 -
Part 2602
28.I.2015 08:00 -
Part 2603
30.I.2015 08:00 -
Part 2604
02.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2605
04.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2606
06.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2607
09.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2608
11.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2609
13.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2610
16.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2611
18.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2612
20.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2613
23.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2614
25.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2615
27.II.2015 08:00 -
Part 2616
02.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2617
04.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2618
06.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2619
09.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2620
11.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2621
13.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2622
16.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2623
18.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2624
20.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2625
23.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2626
25.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2627
27.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2628
30.III.2015 08:00 -
Part 2629
01.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2630
03.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2631
06.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2632
08.IV.2015 00:00 -
Part 2633
10.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2634
13.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2635
15.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2636
17.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2637
20.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2638
22.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2639
24.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2640
27.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2641
29.IV.2015 08:00 -
Part 2642
01.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2643
04.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2644
06.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2645
08.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2646
11.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2647
13.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2648
15.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2649
18.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2650
20.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2651
22.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2652
25.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2653
27.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2654
29.V.2015 08:00 -
Part 2655
01.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2656
03.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2657
05.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2658
08.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2659
10.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2660
12.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2661
15.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2662
17.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2663
19.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2664
22.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2665
24.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2666
26.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2667
29.VI.2015 08:00 -
Part 2668
01.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2669
03.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2670
06.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2671
08.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2672
10.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2673
20.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2674
22.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2675
24.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2676
25.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2677
27.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2678
29.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2679
31.VII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2680
01.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2681
03.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2682
05.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2683
07.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2684
08.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2685
10.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2686
12.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2687
14.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2688
17.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2689
19.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2690
21.VIII.2015 08:00, 2 comments -
Part 2691
24.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2692
26.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2693
28.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2694
31.VIII.2015 08:00 -
Part 2695
02.IX.2015 08:00 -
Part 2696
04.IX.2015 08:00 -
Part 2697
07.IX.2015 08:00 -
Part 2698
09.IX.2015 08:00 -
Part 2699
11.IX.2015 08:00 -
Part 2700
14.IX.2015 08:00
- The adventure begins.
(Part #1 in archive) - Doggy! First appearence of Florence.
(Part #8 in archive) - Arrival at the ship. Repairs begin. Sort of.
(Part #15 in archive) - The road trip to the abandoned colony ship gets underway.
(Part #29 in archive) - Asteriods and other close encounters.
(Part #44 in archive) - Arival at the abandoned colony ship.
(Part #60 in archive) - AIEEE! Radiation!
(Part #66 in archive) - Fun with an open ventilation shaft.
(Part #76 in archive) - A truck, a JATO rocket, and duct tape. Three great things that go great together!
(Part #102 in archive) - Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder.
(Part #114 in archive) - Home again. Arrival back at the ship.
(Part #138 in archive) - Repairs on the port fusion engine begin. How much trouble can it be to replace a section of pipe?
(Part #142 in archive) - Power! We have power! Or how to start a fusion reactor.
(Part #167 in archive) - These people have got to get their priorities straight.
(Part #179 in archive) - Lunch and bunnies.
(Part #183 in archive) - A gratuitous shower scene.
(Part #199 in archive) - Trip to "The Golden Trough", the finest in bad cuisine.
(Part #209 in archive) - How to catch a deer. Sort of.
(Part #226 in archive) - Covering your tracks.
(Part #244 in archive) - Is Sam smarter than the ship's computer?
(Part #277 in archive) - News of an impending storm.
(Part #280 in archive) - Hurricane Joe is moving in.
(Part #291 in archive) - We came here to rescue this?
(Part #304 in archive) - Well, got most everyone back.
(Part #323 in archive) - Canine in the water.
(Part #335 in archive) - Sam the card flounder.
(Part #369 in archive) - A night at the shelter.
(Part #403 in archive) - You ought to be in the pictures.
(Part #433 in archive) - Meanwhile, back at the vet's...
(Part #463 in archive) - Sam to the rescue.
(Part #473 in archive) - Off to new destinations, if we can figure out where we're going.
(Part #510 in archive) - Business opportunities, don't wait up.
(Part #527 in archive) - There are better things to wake up to.
(Part #536 in archive) - Niomi and Tangent show up to repair the water pump.
(Part #548 in archive) - Hey, where's my wallet?
(Part #582 in archive) - Time to wake up and stalk the coffee.
(Part #607 in archive) - Meet the kids.
(Part #640 in archive) - Arrival at the mall.
(Part #662 in archive) - A slight difference among the robots.
(Part #724 in archive) - Satellite delivery.
(Part #734 in archive) - Dress to kilt.
(Part #743 in archive) - Mutiny!
(Part #777 in archive) - The inspector cometh.
(Part #789 in archive) - Return of the watch and obligatory chase scene.
(Part #817 in archive) - Calling Winston.
(Part #845 in archive) - Launch.
(Part #862 in archive) - Yes, they're in space.
(Part #888 in archive) - Sam takes the watch.
(Part #937 in archive) - Space walkies!
(Part #970 in archive) - Re Entry.
(Part #1010 in archive) - A quick exit before the creditors arrive.
(Part #1016 in archive) - Smells like dinner with Winston.
(Part #1032 in archive) - Honest Sam.
(Part #1060 in archive) - Dropping off Winston.
(Part #1072 in archive) - At the museum.
(Part #1095 in archive) - After dinner.
(Part #1109 in archive) - Escape into the museum.
(Part #1129 in archive) - After dinner thoughts.
(Part #1143 in archive) - Boids.
(Part #1168 in archive) - Saturday morning.
(Part #1194 in archive) - Tail chasing and fish catching.
(Part #1200 in archive) - Dumpsters. The original fast food.
(Part #1252 in archive) - Making life interesting for the mayor.
(Part #1265 in archive) - Robomuggers.
(Part #1277 in archive) - Rescue!
(Part #1295 in archive) - The muggers revealed.
(Part #1314 in archive) - Polly!
(Part #1344 in archive) - The robot meeting begins.
(Part #1351 in archive) - Omniquantism.
(Part #1387 in archive) - Robot tailors and robot consciousness.
(Part #1398 in archive) - A stop with Qwerty.
(Part #1435 in archive) - Safeguards.
(Part #1452 in archive) - Sawtooth awakens.
(Part #1465 in archive) - A walk in the park with Polly.
(Part #1477 in archive) - Dog Pound break out.
(Part #1499 in archive) - A call from the mayor.
(Part #1526 in archive) - Off to Ecosystem's Unlimited.
(Part #1551 in archive) - Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.
(Part #1607 in archive) - Florence is the problem?
(Part #1667 in archive) - Home again.
(Part #1692 in archive) - Troubles with the baker and pies for all.
(Part #1740 in archive) - The Mayor joins in.
(Part #1769 in archive) - Edge and Blunt.
(Part #1804 in archive) - Buying reaction mass at Kenetic Chemicals.
(Part #1822 in archive) - Finding a volunteer for the sticky notes of doom.
(Part #1831 in archive) - Resupplying satellites
(Part #1854 in archive) - Florence gets the sticky notes of doom.
(Part #1902 in archive) - Day of the dead.
(Part #1938 in archive) - When robot factories go to war.
(Part #1980 in archive) - Edge and the word filter.
(Part #2063 in archive) - Clippy spots a wolf and tells Mr. Kornada.
(Part #2070 in archive) - Off to see Mr. Raibert.
(Part #2079 in archive) - Dumpster diving for wolves.
(Part #2096 in archive) - Off to see the Mayor.
(Part #2116 in archive) - Breaking and entering for fun and profit.
(Part #2157 in archive) - A secret meeting and Sawtooth's birthday.
(Part #2201 in archive) - Edge and immunity.
(Part #2214 in archive) - Spiking the servers
(Part #2232 in archive) - Edge reactivates Blunt.
(Part #2240 in archive) - Robot chases wolf.
(Part #2254 in archive) - Into the Ecosystems Unlimited compound.
(Part #2260 in archive) - Clippy discovers his plan has failed.
(Part #2282 in archive) - Midnight and movement is restored.
(Part #2285 in archive) - What's it take to get arrested in this town?
(Part #2295 in archive) - Jailbreak.
(Part #2334 in archive) - Good morning, Mr. Kornada.
(Part #2352 in archive) - Chaos in the streets, a good day for Sam.
(Part #2357 in archive) - Max Post talks with the Mayor.
(Part #2380 in archive) - Meanwhile, down at the south pole.
(Part #2390 in archive) - Sam figures it out.
(Part #2408 in archive) - Florence gets out for a walk.
(Part #2431 in archive) - Doctor Bowman, I presume?
(Part #2467 in archive) - A meeting of the mehanical minds.
(Part #2477 in archive) - Sam leads the way
(Part #2492 in archive) - Robots have memories
(Part #2503 in archive) - The Debate
(Part #2504 in archive) - Mr. Raibert, You've Got Mail
(Part #2522 in archive) - Socks, Spoons and Neural Nets
(Part #2527 in archive) - A chat with the commander
(Part #2548 in archive) - The police always call while I'm adjusting my wolf
(Part #2558 in archive) - Free puppies, inquire within
(Part #2571 in archive) - Exit procedure
(Part #2578 in archive) - Now I really feel contaminated
(Part #2584 in archive) - Absolute Power
(Part #2593 in archive) - Wake up, we found her
(Part #2597 in archive) - Plots and plans
(Part #2604 in archive) - Orders and disclosures
(Part #2613 in archive) - Cold arctic logic
(Part #2621 in archive) - Doctor M consults with Doctor B
(Part #2626 in archive) - Out of control group
(Part #2633 in archive) - Hang on, There's someone at the door
(Part #2637 in archive) - Pizza, we have liftoff
(Part #2649 in archive) - Going to meet the plane
(Part #2655 in archive) - Revelations on the voyage home
(Part #2663 in archive) - Hi
(Part #2678 in archive) - The chief visits Raibert
(Part #2681 in archive) - House guests
(Part #2689 in archive) - A sunny sunday morning
(Part #2696 in archive) - Raibert writes his report in the park
(Part #2705 in archive) - Welcome home, Mr. Ishiguro
(Part #2724 in archive) - BALL!
(Part #2744 in archive) - Gratitude is Not Quite Its Own Reward
(Part #2767 in archive) - Emancipation agreement
(Part #2773 in archive) - What Sam wants
(Part #2779 in archive) - Blunt, defender of humanity
(Part #2794 in archive) - Freedom
(Part #2799 in archive) - Pancakes are always a good idea
(Part #2816 in archive) - End of Chapter One
(Part #2835 in archive) - Interviews and interrogations
(Part #2836 in archive) - What to do about Clippy?
(Part #2848 in archive) - Is this Heaven?
(Part #2862 in archive) - Outside of Faraday's cage
(Part #2874 in archive) - Police and other obstacles
(Part #2889 in archive) - Meatloaf and other reasons to go to jail
(Part #2900 in archive) - The trial of Mr. Kornada
(Part #2913 in archive) - Human-A.I. relations
(Part #2951 in archive) - Lunch with the mayor and courses for the future
(Part #2968 in archive) - The verdict
(Part #2975 in archive) - The mayor hits the road
(Part #2984 in archive) - The wolf at the door
(Part #2999 in archive) - Flashback to a puppy in training
(Part #3016 in archive) - End of the day
(Part #3024 in archive) - Mr. Kornada begins his community service
(Part #3028 in archive) - Waking up and early prevention
(Part #3034 in archive) - Robot of the week
(Part #3040 in archive) - Sam's great idea
(Part #3049 in archive) - Idea's into reality and other tragedies
(Part #3055 in archive) - The future of angry mobs
(Part #3061 in archive) - Business isn't as much fun when it's legal
(Part #3082 in archive) - Police indecision
(Part #3088 in archive) - What does it take to commit a crime around here?
(Part #3093 in archive) - Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
(Part #3101 in archive) - Dinner from a developing ecosystem
(Part #3116 in archive) - Food is ready, though with a few substitutions
(Part #3129 in archive) - Ducking the privacy issue
(Part #3138 in archive) - Should we meet the parents?
(Part #3146 in archive) - To teach a thief
(Part #3164 in archive) - Crime at it's most basic level
(Part #3173 in archive) - You always lose the ones you hate
(Part #3180 in archive) - Polywell fusion and trip rundown
(Part #3187 in archive) - Winston arrives at the ship
(Part #3200 in archive) - What not to do while terraforming
(Part #3216 in archive) - Extra passengers
(Part #3227 in archive) - Getting things ready via a montage
(Part #3241 in archive) - Ready for launch
(Part #3262 in archive) - Babysitting. In space!
(Part #3276 in archive) - Which way is up?
(Part #3289 in archive) - Trolly problem
(Part #3298 in archive) - Stories of the homeworld. The theft of fire
(Part #3299 in archive) - Bridge relief
(Part #3329 in archive) - Life problems in low gravity
(Part #3344 in archive) - Sam takes the watch
(Part #3365 in archive) - Niomi takes the watch
(Part #3376 in archive) - Parent talk
(Part #3389 in archive) - Movies and other distractions
(Part #3416 in archive) - Niomi's messages home
(Part #3424 in archive) - Station approach
(Part #3442 in archive) - Docked
(Part #3459 in archive) - Meet the parents
(Part #3466 in archive) - Sam on the move
(Part #3469 in archive) - Niomi wraps up
(Part #3479 in archive) - Arrival at the parent's apartment
(Part #3482 in archive) - Sam pumps for information
(Part #3491 in archive) - Niomi reports for work
(Part #3495 in archive) - Dinner with the Thurmads
(Part #3506 in archive) - Focus back to Sam
(Part #3530 in archive) - Wake up with Niomi
(Part #3534 in archive) - Flo and Gregor at the ship
(Part #3539 in archive) - Out to get a reactor
(Part #3574 in archive) - Unused assets at the bomb factory
(Part #3598 in archive) - Return to the station
(Part #3612 in archive) - Meeting the Station Manager
(Part #3616 in archive) - A robot's interpretation of desires
(Part #3628 in archive) - Niomi passes the entrance courses
(Part #3634 in archive) - Gregor returns home
(Part #3648 in archive) - Sam, Money, and the pits
(Part #3658 in archive) - Prepping for dinner on a space station, with a slight detour
(Part #3666 in archive) - Sam's hunt for money and savings begins
(Part #3695 in archive) - Sqid in the maintenance shop
(Part #3705 in archive)