Sabertooth pony - FiM fanart

I remember hearing once about a long-extinct species of carnivorous equine. I can't remember where and whait it was and I'm too lazy to search right now. It inspired a new tribe of ponies.
I'll leave making the context up to you, though while draing it next to other bronies, a couple interesting ideas formed (a prehistoric pony). Myself, I consider them a banished meat-eating pony tribe.
The same goes for the "Cuthulu cupcake", but that one I added after an extra random thought that sparked the cration of the following biology textbook excrept:
The sabertooth pony (Smilequis fatalis) live on the Far continent in a place generally known as the Thaumic Planes. Their main source of food is the wild cupcake (Cuppedia delicium). These giant baked goods are, however, wrapped in a hard shell. The shell doesn't cover the top, where The edible core is protected by a thick layer of material known as icinchor. It is a regenerating creamy substance. Other predators, if they manage to catch the cupcake, are almost always slowed down and lose their grip when they try to get through it, which gives the cupcake a second chance at escape. The sabertooth ponies are prepared for this strategy, as their long fangs can pierce though the icinchor and reach the protected core easily.
The description is for joke purposes only. Later pictures will have their descriptions based on much broader thoughts and ideas on how they would fit in.
I'll leave making the context up to you, though while draing it next to other bronies, a couple interesting ideas formed (a prehistoric pony). Myself, I consider them a banished meat-eating pony tribe.
The same goes for the "Cuthulu cupcake", but that one I added after an extra random thought that sparked the cration of the following biology textbook excrept:
The sabertooth pony (Smilequis fatalis) live on the Far continent in a place generally known as the Thaumic Planes. Their main source of food is the wild cupcake (Cuppedia delicium). These giant baked goods are, however, wrapped in a hard shell. The shell doesn't cover the top, where The edible core is protected by a thick layer of material known as icinchor. It is a regenerating creamy substance. Other predators, if they manage to catch the cupcake, are almost always slowed down and lose their grip when they try to get through it, which gives the cupcake a second chance at escape. The sabertooth ponies are prepared for this strategy, as their long fangs can pierce though the icinchor and reach the protected core easily.
The description is for joke purposes only. Later pictures will have their descriptions based on much broader thoughts and ideas on how they would fit in.
10.III.2013 11:10