Foggy Dew - FiM fanart

A character and some made-up history for my sabertooth pony species. Next chapter.
In the pony history, Foggy Dew is a character that brings up much controversy.
In the early days, before the windogoes came, the sabertooth ponies lived near the other tribes. Similarily to the pegasi controlling weather and earth ponies taking care of the flora, they wre the ones handling the fauna of the land. Their area of operation, which other ponies found unpleasant in many ways, and also their omnivorous nature had made them the most shunned and separated of the tribes. The animosity and disdain, fueled also by rumours of cannbalism (which have later in history moved to the legend of Nightmare Moon instead) and demonic pacts led Foggy Dew, the sabertooth pony leader of that time, to leave to a more open land. This migration went a different way than the other tribes took later (there was no snow that would alter the passability of geographical landmarks) and eventually settled past the zebra lands.
The historitians, to this day, can't decide, if it was a good or bad move. One group argues that the leaving of sabertooth ponies caused an overpopulation of animals, which worsened the later food crisis, and also the "Snow war" could have ended with four tribes founding Equestria instad of three. The opposing group, however, hold the opinion that the food crisis is what started the whole process that led to founding Equestria, and that if one more army fought in the Snow war, there would be hardly anypony left to found it in the first place.
The sabertooth ponies themselves, who've been holding their land for centuries now, with their country often compared, by various sociological indicators, to the pre-Sombrian Crystal city of the crystal ponies, consider Foggy Dew a national hero.
In the pony history, Foggy Dew is a character that brings up much controversy.
In the early days, before the windogoes came, the sabertooth ponies lived near the other tribes. Similarily to the pegasi controlling weather and earth ponies taking care of the flora, they wre the ones handling the fauna of the land. Their area of operation, which other ponies found unpleasant in many ways, and also their omnivorous nature had made them the most shunned and separated of the tribes. The animosity and disdain, fueled also by rumours of cannbalism (which have later in history moved to the legend of Nightmare Moon instead) and demonic pacts led Foggy Dew, the sabertooth pony leader of that time, to leave to a more open land. This migration went a different way than the other tribes took later (there was no snow that would alter the passability of geographical landmarks) and eventually settled past the zebra lands.
The historitians, to this day, can't decide, if it was a good or bad move. One group argues that the leaving of sabertooth ponies caused an overpopulation of animals, which worsened the later food crisis, and also the "Snow war" could have ended with four tribes founding Equestria instad of three. The opposing group, however, hold the opinion that the food crisis is what started the whole process that led to founding Equestria, and that if one more army fought in the Snow war, there would be hardly anypony left to found it in the first place.
The sabertooth ponies themselves, who've been holding their land for centuries now, with their country often compared, by various sociological indicators, to the pre-Sombrian Crystal city of the crystal ponies, consider Foggy Dew a national hero.
19.XI.2013 20:50