Sabertooth ponies and crossbreeding - FiM fanart

Another tidbit on sabertooth ponies. Previous | Next
Pony families usually consist of one race. History, however, is full of exapmles of their mixing, so it's not that uncommon to know earth pones that gave birth to a pegasus or a unicorm (or both).
The same goes for sabertooth ponies. On average in ten years there are 10 earth ponies, 10 pegasi and 2 unicorns born to them. The count of mixed ones (bearing features of both sabertooth and other) are double that. It's about 2% of all born foals, but even such a small group needs special handling.
Because the ratio of earht ponies to pegasi in Equestria, based on the latest census, is near 2:1, the 1:1 ratio in the previous statictics may seem surprising. However we need to realize that sabertooth ponies know the land well and have hunting experience. That's why they used to cooperate* with professional pegasi army ranks as partisans and many chances for individual "getting to know eachother" came to be.
(* on an official level they did. According to unofficial records of that time, they kept doing things to spite eachother and kept calling eachother "wall of bodies" and "hoofed bird-brain" or worse.)
As foals, this minority plays and learns among others, only some lessons get shortened in favour of others, like survival in the wilderness for history or geography.
When the Seabria-born earth ponies, pegasi or unicorns reach adulthood, they can decide if they wish to stay or move to Equestria or a different land in general. Only a handful of the strict Equestrian laws controlling tourism and immigration from Seabria apply to them. The earth ponies usually develop bonds to their home-ground, so they stay and help in agriculture and infrastructure. The pegasi, on the other hoof, feel the need to travel and many of them find a job as messengers between both countries. A big factor in that is also that the natives are afraid of simply don't want to do it. Unicorns usually more as well, taking places of ambassadors and diplomats. Still, a fair portion stays and get famous for various inventions and progress in general.
Sabertooth pegasi and unicorns are fully affected by Equestria's laws and it's better for them to stay in Seabria in general. While a few such unicorns have managed to get to an Equestrian magic school, they were never able to cast more than a few alpha-class spells, and no more than one gamma-class spell related to their special talents. Similarily, the most sabertooth pegasi can do with their wings is glide and they use theri wing mostly for controlled long jumps.
There is no mention of a sabertooth alicorn in recorded history.
Statistics for sabertooth ponies born in Equestria are skewed because of the aforementioned strict laws. More on this in the following chapter.
Pony families usually consist of one race. History, however, is full of exapmles of their mixing, so it's not that uncommon to know earth pones that gave birth to a pegasus or a unicorm (or both).
The same goes for sabertooth ponies. On average in ten years there are 10 earth ponies, 10 pegasi and 2 unicorns born to them. The count of mixed ones (bearing features of both sabertooth and other) are double that. It's about 2% of all born foals, but even such a small group needs special handling.
Because the ratio of earht ponies to pegasi in Equestria, based on the latest census, is near 2:1, the 1:1 ratio in the previous statictics may seem surprising. However we need to realize that sabertooth ponies know the land well and have hunting experience. That's why they used to cooperate* with professional pegasi army ranks as partisans and many chances for individual "getting to know eachother" came to be.
(* on an official level they did. According to unofficial records of that time, they kept doing things to spite eachother and kept calling eachother "wall of bodies" and "hoofed bird-brain" or worse.)
As foals, this minority plays and learns among others, only some lessons get shortened in favour of others, like survival in the wilderness for history or geography.
When the Seabria-born earth ponies, pegasi or unicorns reach adulthood, they can decide if they wish to stay or move to Equestria or a different land in general. Only a handful of the strict Equestrian laws controlling tourism and immigration from Seabria apply to them. The earth ponies usually develop bonds to their home-ground, so they stay and help in agriculture and infrastructure. The pegasi, on the other hoof, feel the need to travel and many of them find a job as messengers between both countries. A big factor in that is also that the natives are afraid of simply don't want to do it. Unicorns usually more as well, taking places of ambassadors and diplomats. Still, a fair portion stays and get famous for various inventions and progress in general.
Sabertooth pegasi and unicorns are fully affected by Equestria's laws and it's better for them to stay in Seabria in general. While a few such unicorns have managed to get to an Equestrian magic school, they were never able to cast more than a few alpha-class spells, and no more than one gamma-class spell related to their special talents. Similarily, the most sabertooth pegasi can do with their wings is glide and they use theri wing mostly for controlled long jumps.
There is no mention of a sabertooth alicorn in recorded history.
Statistics for sabertooth ponies born in Equestria are skewed because of the aforementioned strict laws. More on this in the following chapter.
01.XII.2013 20:00