Active werecreature comics
I decided to maintain a werecreature webcomic list here. I update it around the end of the month. I have my guidelines for what I include, but I also know how to make exceptions.The comics in this list update regularily, or atleast fairly often (atleast two pages in a month). You will also find comics that had no activity in the past two months if they updated reguraliry before here.
In English

A funny comic about a modern vampire.
Some of the regularily appearing characters are werecreatures.
Done by: Erik Amill
Moonlit Brew
How dating might look like if you find a werewolf.
Done by: Kameren Jones & Goldberg Villanueva
How dating might look like if you find a werewolf.
Done by: Kameren Jones & Goldberg Villanueva
The Last Element
The shapeshifting guardians of Earth face long forgotten trouble.
Incomplete backup page
Done by: Tiffawolf
The shapeshifting guardians of Earth face long forgotten trouble.
Incomplete backup page
Done by: Tiffawolf