Big news

I once said it would take me 2-4 months to rewrite the website. Well, four months have passed (a couple times) and I finally have a usable version of the system.
Since Mark Stanley is taking a break from Freefall this week, I'll use my break from translations to upload it and have a test run.
What is going to change?
The website will be down for a while - sunday morning, probably.
The layout will change.
The old page adresses will still work, but the pictures will be moved (old hotlinks will no longer work).
The old RSS system will redirect to a new one, which will imlpicitly contain every update. You'll be able to change that default on the website.
I've moved around some content of the galleries, added a few and filled with some content that previously wasn't here.
Comics and galleries will have their descriptions updated.
The link pages will be updated as well.
Your old passwords should still work. A feature that will let you generate a new one will be added later, but you'll need an e-mail for it to work (security reasons).
The website will no longer be separated to "static content" and comics, comments and profiles are going mostly global.
There'll be a few extra settings in your profile.
And a few speed optimizations.
Now here's hoping I'll get myself to update some comics with new pages too.
Since Mark Stanley is taking a break from Freefall this week, I'll use my break from translations to upload it and have a test run.
What is going to change?
The website will be down for a while - sunday morning, probably.
The layout will change.
The old page adresses will still work, but the pictures will be moved (old hotlinks will no longer work).
The old RSS system will redirect to a new one, which will imlpicitly contain every update. You'll be able to change that default on the website.
I've moved around some content of the galleries, added a few and filled with some content that previously wasn't here.
Comics and galleries will have their descriptions updated.
The link pages will be updated as well.
Your old passwords should still work. A feature that will let you generate a new one will be added later, but you'll need an e-mail for it to work (security reasons).
The website will no longer be separated to "static content" and comics, comments and profiles are going mostly global.
There'll be a few extra settings in your profile.
And a few speed optimizations.
Now here's hoping I'll get myself to update some comics with new pages too.
14.XI.2013 20:00